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ASSIGNMENT on The Tempest



Leve..............., Term ..........................

Submission Date:

Activity A 

Directions: Read the following quotations from The Tempest, and, in the space provided, write the character who spoke the line.

The Characters: a. Antonio b. Ariel c. Miranda d. Prospero e. Gonzalo f. Stephano

g. Caliban h. Alonso

_ Caliban _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ 1. “All the infections that the sun sucks up from bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall, and make

him by inch-meal a disease!”

_________Prospero__________________ 2. “Go release them, Ariel: my charms I’ll break, their senses I’ll restore, and they shall

be themselves.”

_________Miranda__________________ 3. “I do not know one of my sex; no woman’s face remember, save, from my glass, mine own;

nor have I seen more that I may call men than you, good friend . . .”

________Stephano___________________ 4. “Monster, I will kill this man: his daughter and I will be king and queen—save our

graces!—and Trinculo and thyself shall be viceroys.”

_______________Alonso____________ 5. “I long to hear the story of your life, which must take the ear strangely.”

___________Gonzalo________________ 6. “I would with such perfection govern, sir, t’ excel the Golden Age.”

________Ariel___________________ 7. “Not a hair perished; on their sustaining garments not a blemish, but fresher than before;

and, as thou bad’st me, in troops I have dispersed them ’bout the isle.”

__________Prospero_________________ 8. “Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since, thy father was the Duke of Milan, and a

prince of power.”

___Sebestian________________________ 9. “What thou shouldst be; th’ occasion speaks thee; and my strong imagination sees a crown

dropping upon thy head.”

________Caliban___________________ 10. “I’ll swear, upon that bottle, to be thy true subject; for the liquor is not earthly.”

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it in the space provided.

_______d____________________ 11. Who is the last person to speak in

the play?

 a. Sebastian

b. Alonso

c. Ariel

d. Prospero

________a___________________ 12. How old was Miranda when she and her father were banished from Milan?

 a. three

b. two

c. four

d. one

________d___________________ 13. What was the name of Caliban’s mother?

 a. Ariel

b. Xanadu

c. Elixia

d. Sycorax

_______b____________________ 14. Who mistakes Trinculo for a spirit?

 a. Stephano

b. Caliban

c. Alonso

d. Sebastian

___________________________ 15. What form of punishment does Prospero use for Caliban?

 a. whipping

b. pinching

c. yelling

d. banishment

____d_______________________ 16. Who is referred to as a “monster” throughout the play?

 a. Sebastian

 b. Alonso 

c. Prospero

 d. Caliban

___________________________ 17. Which of the following is not the name of one of Prospero’s spirits?

 a. Iris

b. Clover

c. Ceres

 d. Juno

_____d______________________ 18. What is a tempest?

 a. a tornado

b. a temper tantrum

c. a beautiful spirit

d. a storm

___________________________ 19. What makes Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio feel guilt about their betrayal

of Prospero?

 a. supernatural music

b. Ariel pretending to be the spirit


 c. Gonzalo reminding them of it

d. Miranda’s testimony

__a_________________________ 20. Where will Ferdinand and Miranda go to have a proper wedding ceremony?

a. Naples

b. Verona

c. Milan

d. Illyria

Activity B

Character Guide (1)

Directions To keep all of the characters straight, write a few words about who the following characters are and to whom they are related. Include one identifying quotation or comment about each. The first one has been done for you as an example. Use more space if you need.

Prospero: As Duke of Milan, his position was usurped by his brother, and he was left on an island with his daughter, Miranda. He is eager to avenge himself, and he is lord over Caliban and Ariel. “By accident most strange, bountiful Fortune, now my dear lady, hath mine enemies brought to this shore. . .

Miranda: Daughter of Prospero rather treated as Prospero’s political pawn that is passive, naïve, compassionate young girl falls in love with Fardinand which make the play “romance” rather than “comedy.”  “O, I have suffered with those that I saw suffer.”

Caliban: Rightful heir of the island but treated as a servant of Prospero who tried to rape Miranda only to reproduce his own race but failed and later rebel against Prospero. He is a perfect example of “other”.  “You taught me language and my profit on\ is I know how to curse.”

Ariel:  A spirit who willingly serves Prospero and who has immense magical power which is mostly used foe Prospero. In last act he successfully manipulates Prospero to be kind enough not to take revenge. “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here!”

Ferdinand: Son of Alonso who falls for Miranda, also as naïve as Miranda. 'By immortal providence she's mine'

Gonzalo: counselor to Alonso who helped Prospero to escape and is kind, honest, dreamed for a utopia. He is an epitome of kindness.   “The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness / And time to speak it in. You rub the sore / When you should bring the plaster”

Sebastian: Alonso’s brother who is both aggressive and cowardly and has similarity like Antonio. 'But for your conscience?'/'I feel not this deity in my bosom'

Alonso: King of Naples and father of Fardinand and moved by emotions who repents for his deeds. 'Irreparable is the loss'/'O heavens, that they were living both in Naples, the king and queen there'

Antonio: Prospero’s brother, antagonist of the play, motivated by envy and plotting rebellion, convinces Sebastian to murder his brother and doesn’t repent for his actions. “My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio –

I pray thee, mark me – that a brother should Be so perfidious! – ….”

Miranda’s Upbringing (Act one, Scene 2) (2)

Background:  After Miranda weeps over the shipwreck, Prospero assures her that no one has. He proceeds to tell his daughter the story of how they came to live on the island and the deception and betrayal that occurred to make that happen.

Directions Fill in the blanks to test your understanding of the events that caused Prospero and

Miranda to live on the island.

___Twelve______ years ago, Prospero was the Duke of___Milan______ and a powerful_________. Prospero’s brother, named ___Antonio______, managed Prospero’s kingdom for him as Prospero obsessively studied the Liberal ____arts_____. _________began to form secret alliances with Prospero’s supporters to usurp Prospero’s power and position. Antonio’s most powerful alliance was with the King of _________, to whom he pays annual _________ for protection. Antonio also paid him to_________ Prospero from his dukedom and throw Prospero and Miranda out to_________. A noble Neapolitan named _________ provided them with food, water, and books. Fortune has brought Prospero’s _________ to the shore of his island, and he plans to exact his revenge upon his brother.

Prospero  (3)

Background From what we have seen of Prospero so far, he is a complex character, capable of great tenderness and great cruelty, endowed with magic and consumed with the desire for revenge.

Directions To understand Prospero better, find a quotation or a passage from the play that illustrates each character trait below. Use more space if you need.



Desire for revenge:

Supernatural powers/Interest in supernatural powers:

Capacity for great anger and/or cruelty:


Love of reading and knowledge:

Willingness to manipulate:

Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio (4)

Directions Using at least one line or event from the play for support, determine whether Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio display the following character traits or not. Write the line reference in the box.

Alonso Sebastian Antonio




Lust for power



Activity B (Question 1 & 2)

Essay on The Tempest

Directions: Write a multi-paragraph essay on one of the following questions:

1. Is Caliban a savage, evil monster or a maligned and misunderstood creature? Prove it by the events and passages from the play.


2. Scholars have considered the theme of this play as “repentance and forgiveness”; do you consider this to be the central theme of the play? Support your judgment in the essay.


The End


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