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Covid-19 paragraph of English


Coronavirus (Covid-19)- shaped like a crown- has become a global pandemic. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which can be the cause of illness or death of animals and humans. Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) is a new type of coronavirus which originated from this seafood market, since them, this fatal and contagions virus has started to infect from one person to another through the droplets of sneeze and cough. The symptoms of covid-19 are cough, fever and severe shortness of breath. Covid-19 can cause severe respiratory problems, kidney failure or death. Specially, those who are old and those who are suffering from diabetes and heart problems are more vulnerable to this disease. At present, covid-19 has spread nearly in 2020 countries and millions of people of the world are being infected with it. Approximately, 4000 people have died in china and Italy has overtaken china. This covid-19 is creating a panic in all the continents of the world and the bigger cites, famous places and even religious places have been locked down. Our country is not free from this covid-19 either. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it as a pandemic. No antidote to cobvid-19 has yet been discovered. The scientists of the whole world are working hard and the developed countries are spending billions of dollars in order to discover the antidote to it. Since there is no antidote to covid-19, prevention is the only way. According to WHO, washing hands with soap and hand sanitizers for twenty seconds after touching anything or anyone, using facemasks, staying at home. Avoiding public gatherings and drinking to it. At last, it can be said that, Where the journey of coronavirus will end is unknown. But it can be hoped that almighty Allah will take pity on his best creation humans. At the same time, we have to create awareness for own existence.
